Reservation Information

Personal Information

Please make sure it is correct

Optional Questions

*These fields are required.


Total deposit required is 50,000 yen. To complete your reservation, 10,000 yen must be paid.

Upon your check-in, the rest of 40,000 yen is required which is refundable upon your check-out. Deposit is non-refundable upon cancellation.


If you choose Bank Transfer as payment method, we will give you further payment information with our reply mail.

Please contact us if you have any questions about payment information.

  • NOTE 1: 100 yen is roughly equal to US $1.00, but the final amount needs to be adjusted with the exchange rate each time.
  • NOTE 2: When sending us money, any financial institution's service charge must be paid by you.
  • NOTE 3: Your reservation will not be completed until we receive your payment.